Tillandsia Safari Petén, Guatemala
Parque Nacional Laguna del Tigre, Guatemala
Photos from Christian's trip along the Rio San Pedro near Parque Nacional Laguna del Tigre in Northern Guatemala. Here you can see many mesic Tillandsias including Bulbosa, Balbisiana, Juncifolia and Streptophylla.
Large Tillandsia Streptophylla on a branch along the river bank.
Tillandsia Bulbosa seemed to be everywhere. This is a mature specimen gently holding to a horizontal branch.
While walking along the river bank, we noticed a huge clusters of fallen Bulbosa. There had to be at least 30 plants in this family.
Several unidentified Tillandsia species growing on the branches of a fallen tree.
Very large Tillandsia Balbisiana that had recently fallen.
Several Tillandsias growing together on a large tree branch.
These Bulbosa seedlings are just starting to get their adult shape.
A mature Balbisiana with many seedlings on nearby branches.
Tillandsia Brachycaulos Multiflora showing a beautiful pink blush.
Two generations of Bulbosa, an old mother plant and its one offset.
An impressive tree bromeliad (not a Tillandsia) high up in the canopy.
I love that the air plants have such a unique history before coming to our homes! Thank you!
OUTSTANDING!! I love my plants and hope I’m a good Mama!! Buying from the Air Plant Shop was an unbelievable eperience: not only did they arrive carefully wrapped with not a single part bent or broken but they were HUGE!!! My advice to anyone thinking about getting one (or more!), you are in professional hands with this company (which also has great growning and care material!)! Go for it!!
A stunning insight into the natural state of these magnificent plants!
WOW! I’ve had air plants for several years. I’ve always wondered what it looks like when they are attached to a tree or branch when they’re growing. These pictures and explanations answered a lot of my questions.
So cool! Thanks for sharing. That covered tree is a Wow!
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