Environmentally Conscious Farming
"Are your Air Plants Farmed, Propagated & Collected in an Environmentally Sustainable Way?"
Many customers have been asking us about the sustainability practices of our air plant business. Considering that Tillandsias are predominantly a genus native to the tropical Americas, the inquiries about sustainability and conscious farming techniques are not unwarranted. In fact, there are some species, namely Xerographica and Harrisii, which were on the brink of extinction a few decades ago. At the time, it was legal to collect these slow growing, but prized plants right from the wild.
Tillandsia Caput-Medusae cultivation by seeds.
Cultivation of Ionantha Guatemala by off-sets (pups).
Newly hung Tillandsia Brachicaulos mother plants.
Tillandsia Xerographica cultivation by off-sets.
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