happy school children in Guatemala

Photo Gallery: Visiting Our School in Guatemala

1 comment Sep 12, 2018

Visiting Aldea Rosario Monte Maria, Guatemala

Photo Gallery

Three months after inauguration, we were able to visit our school in the isolated Quiché Department of Guatemala. Pencils of Promise lead the way on a multi-day visit of our partner community, Monte Maria.

Our POP school in Aldea Rosario Monte Maria, Guatemala

The Monte Maria Community is located about 14 miles north of Chicaman. The school is nestled at the bottom of a small valley. There is not yet electricity in the village.


the local students waiting for our arrival

The local students waiting for our arrival. From the sound of our pick-up coming down the rocky road, I am sure just about everyone new we were arriving!


Students made signs to thank Pencils of Promise

Students made signs to thank Pencils of Promise, the partner organization that coordinated the construction of the school.


The left sign reads "Thanks for thinking about our community!" and the other "Thanks for your donation Mr. Christian"

All of the kids were so thankful! The left sign reads "Thanks for thinking about our community!" and the other "Thanks for your donation Mr. Christian".


Students lined up patiently to watch the ceremony which would include dancing

Students lined up patiently to watch the ceremony which would include dancing, live music and commemorative speeches about the constructions of the school.


community members dance ceremony

The first event, a traditional Mayan dance.


children sack racing

The next event, a sack race! They were not short on volunteers to join in on this race.


Christian being presented with a basket full of Guanabana

Christian being presented with a basket full of Guanabana (Soursop), a fruit found in this region and a handmade woven bag which reads "Remember Monte Maria, Christian".


children making christian join in the festive dancing

Of course, they had to make the Gringo guest of honor dance in front of everyone!


giving out bags of school supplies

It was a huge to surprise to everyone when we announced that every child would get a bag of school supplies and candies.


children happily holding up their bags of school supplies
children showing off their school supply bags
As our time at the village came to an end, we were feeling so humbled to have been able to know first-hand the impact our school was making in this community.


children walking around the school
children at the very important hand washing station
The hand washing and bathroom station at the school. For many of them, the their only opportunity to use a regular bathroom is at school.

1 comment

  • Angela Luisa Muriel June 23, 2022 at 11:47 am

    This all looks and sounds so beautiful! 😍

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