Desk chairs engraved with Pencils of Promise

Photo Story: Cantón San José School Completion March 2022

1 comment Jun 22, 2022
POP team and APS team come to visit school
Parents and community members come together to welcome the Pencils of Promise team and Air Plant Shop team.
water cistern for hand washing station
Between the classrooms and bathrooms there is a cistern for the original hand washing station (so now there are two after the PoP build). The community got creative and made a small table with stools out of old tires! hallway between classrooms

A breezy hallway connects the classrooms – a very necessary feature as it gets extremely hot in this region.

An inside look at the final product – just imagine it filled with children learning. This is why we do it!
Another view of a classroom.
teacher's desk
The teacher's desk and an EcoFiltro which is provided to each school by PoP. EcoFiltros are silver-enhanced ceramic filters designed by Guatemalans that remove turbidity and 99.99% of harmful water-born pathogens.
pencils of promise WASH sanitation education

A teacher gave a quick speech about their implementation of PoP's WASH program and how impactful it has been. WASH stands for water, sanitation and hygiene – part of the program includes building bathrooms, distributing water filters and educating students and communities on healthy behaviors.

hand washing station clean hygiene

A fundamental aspect of the PoP school builds is the hand washing station. Clean water and soap is not a guarantee in rural Guatemala. Air Plant Shop is proud and humbled to help provide one aspect of the human right of hygiene to the community.

rest room bathrooms

There are four bathrooms located adjacent to the classrooms. One of the bathrooms is wheelchair accessible.


The school playground!

community members parents

Community members support is vital to the initial build and continued success of a PoP school build. PoP believes that this "collaborative approach is key to the long-term success" of the education programs, and "ultimately public school teachers and their students".

Keep an eye out on the blog and our Instagram @airplantshop_usa or Facebook @airplantshop for more updates and photos!

1 comment

  • Leslie Jordan June 16, 2023 at 3:43 pm

    Wonderful! I truly want to support your business because of your PoP schools. I have 36 air plants & my one windowsill is quite crowded. I have given many plants to friends & introduced them to the Air Plant Shop. Several of my plants have reproduced. Amazing! I have all the plants I have room for but I’ll keep spreading the word about you and what you do. You will get more orders, I’m sure.

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